Tigro Industries N.V.is a one-stop service provider for the industrial market (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, agriculture and the automotive sector) worldwide in the field of storage, distribution and handling of products including sampling and laboratory analysis at the customer’s request.
Thanks to the integrated approach, Tigro Industries N.V. enables the customer to outsource these activities, so that she can fully concentrate on her core business.
The care for quality, safety and the environment are the core values of Tigro Industries N.V. We want to put this concern into practice within a serene framework, where confidentiality and security of our own products, services, data and knowledge, as well as those of our customers, suppliers and other interested parties, are considered top priorities.
We recognize the effects of our activities and those of our customers, suppliers, transporters, contractors and all other external parties, as well as their interaction and consider our quality, safety and environmental management as an integral part of our business activities.
Our business activities are based on a risk management system. With the aim of:
- recognizing potential risks at all levels in the organization.
- eliminating and / or controlling these risks in order to guarantee the continuity of our business activities, as well as those of our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, in the most effective and efficient way.
Providing good service to our customers at a reasonable price is essential for Tigro Industries N.V. By good service we mean:
- correct quality: according to agreement with the customer and according to internal quality standards.
- respecting safety at all levels:
- internal: during our production.
- during transport.
- for the customer: providing the necessary information.
- minimizing any environmental effects.
- respecting the confidentiality of intellectual property and preventing potential risks in this area.
- securing goods and information against possible theft or misuse.
We strive for a high level of quality, safety and environment and continuous improvement of our performance. Providing good service at an affordable price.
Our starting points are:
- The relevant needs and expectations of all stakeholders and converting them into compliance obligations.
- Commitment of all employees at the company, and creating a conscious application of the KVM care system in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015, EN 9120: 2015, GMP for pharmaceutical products (Eudralex volume 4, ICH guidelines, US Pharmacopeia 1079, Ph. Eur ), ISO 14001: 2015, ISO 45001: 2018 and Responsible Care.
- Providing resources to implement the KVM policy through an effective KVM care system.
- Strive for maximum compliance with agreements with customers.
- Striving for optimum supply to customers even outside normal working hours.
- Flexibility in the production process.
- Use of ICT techniques to optimally organize storage with regard to quality, safety, environment and security.
- Complying with relevant laws and regulations and other obligations we have entered into in the areas of quality, safety, environment and security.
- Assessing the quality, safety and environmental and security effects of new activities as an integral part of our investment decisions.
- Analyze and eliminate risks for people, products and the environment.
- Responding adequately to quality, safety, environmental and security incidents.
- Watch out for soil contamination.
- Where possible, contribute to environmentally friendly and safe storage of hazardous products at the customer.
- Having a good relationship with the government.
- Working in an environmentally conscious manner with attention to the protection of the environment throughout the entire life cycle.
- Our ultimate goal is a safe, healthy and environmentally friendly working environment.
Objectives are established that support these principles. The CAPA Plan follows and assesses the implementation of these objectives in a risk-based manner. Internal procedures will implement this policy statement.